Watch Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 142 English Subtitles Free of Cost


Watch Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 142 English Subtitles Free of Cost

Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 141 Review

In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 141, Vizier gives the necessary money to Tubini and makes him sign the document for the bond exchange. The sound of the gunshot comes from the garden of the palace. Cassel learns what Hunkar has done and plans to prepare a big meal. Esref follows Nerva, but after Nerva takes a child hostage, he escapes. The soldiers find Saliha unconscious in the garden of the palace. Vizier says that news has been made in the newspapers about Tubini’s purchase of bonds. Later, Hunkar says he wants to have dinner with some people. Ahmed Nuri talks to Mahmud and tells him that Celaleddin might be a traitor.

In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 141, Saliha wakes up and says she saw someone in the garden. Naime and Fatma talk to Saliha, but she doesn’t say anything. Cassel calls Karasu and tells him that important names will participate in the meal he will prepare. Tubini speaks to Mahmud before leaving Payitaht. Mahmud then says he will take Sabahaddin somewhere. Hunkar visits Saliha and asks her why she left the palace. Saliha says she was following Aliye. Meanwhile, Fatma says that she will return to Bursa and Aliye must also come. Karasu tells Cassel’s invitation to Manyas and Talat. Hunkar asks Aliye where she was last night, but Naime and Fatma tell the truth.

In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 141, Cassel goes to the palace and congratulates Hunkar’s plan on being carried out. Mahmud then goes to Celaleddin’s room and tells about Shehzade’s doubts about him. Hunkar calls Ahmed Nuri and tells him that he will prepare a new constitution with some lawyers. Fatma tells Tevfik that she has to leave the palace and apologizes to him. Nerva says he forgot about his gift to Cassel and gets out of Mika’s car. Nerva then takes a piece of paper from his office and sets off again. Tahsin checks around the house where Hunkar will go. Hunkar starts eating with the lawyers he called. Cassel tells a story about Jesus to his guests who came at his invitation.

In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 141, Cassel says that everyone sitting around the table has the same purpose and must protect each other. Hunkar asks the lawyers to write proposals about the new constitution to be made. Later, Abdulhamid says that a lawyer from Europe named Martin will come secretly and help with the constitution. Nerva escapes Esref and attends dinner, albeit late. After a short while, Celaleddin comes to dinner. Celaleddin opposes what Karasu said and says that a new Sultan is needed. Abdulhamid says that the new parliament to be opened must protect the state and the nation. Esat tells the constitutional plan of Hunkar. Cassel says that Martin should not work with Hunkar.

Watch Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 142 English Subtitles

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Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 142 English Subtitles

In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 141, Soghutlu shoots into the air to escape the crowd in the harbor, but in the meantime, Martin is killed. A journalist takes a picture of this incident. Tahsin says that Soghutlu shot Martin in the port, and Hunkar is very angry. Abdulhamid calls the spies to the palace and asks them what happened in the port. Talat devises a plan to find the house where the lawyers are staying and poisons a fountain on that street. Talat tells that Shehzade will go to the pharmacy to buy medicine and that the rebellious students will follow him. Ahmed Nuri learns that one of the lawyers was poisoned and that the poison originated from water.

In Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 141, Tahsin tells Hunkar that he spoke to journalists. Abdulhamid tells that he will send the evidence he has to the newspapers. Meanwhile, Esat goes to the room where the evidence and files are. Esat takes the file about Martin’s shooting and secretly leaves the palace. Tahsin realizes that this file has been stolen. Saliha goes to Aliye’s room and tells that she set up treacherous traps. Aliye denies everything. Hunkar interrogates the guards guarding the document room. Mehpare arrives as Esref and while the spies are thinking about how to catch Martin’s killer. Mehpare says that she has not seen anyone but heard some songs. Tahsin receives a letter while interrogating several guards. A butcher tells Tahsin that some soldiers bought meat from his shop using Tahsin’s name and asks him if this incident is true. Talat and Manyas find out about the house Shehzade went to.

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